Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Going the Extra Mile

At Bluebird Care Tameside we are very keen that all the team, including all our care workers, who support people in their own homes, commit to helping their local community via charity work.

The 'guess the weight' charity Christmas Cake
If you have visited our webpage at you will have seen that we all take pride and pleasure in helping the people of Tameside through a range of charity work. You will also see that we like taking photos.

On our webpage we have a collection of photos telling our charities stories. For example at Christmas we had a ‘guess the weight of the cake’ competition at Ashton Market whilst collecting money for elderly patients at Tameside Hospital and in February we cycled from Hyde to Ashton, although not in a straight line, to raise money for Age UK Tameside to help keep elderly people warm in their own homes during winter.
At Age UK Tameside

We believe that all the team at Bluebird Care Tameside have a responsibility to be good corporate citizens in their local communities, within Tameside. We have already made a start with our work with Age UK Tameside, the local WRVS, Willow Wood, Tameside Hospital and Tameside 4 Good. To enable our charity work to continue and grow, we now, through our recruitment process, ensure that all our care workers take pride and pleasure in giving back to their community.

Watch out for us in our blue Bluebird Care fleeces at the WRVS cafĂ©, in Tameside Hospital, on the 3rd Thursday of the month 1000-1030 - we are next there on Thursday the 16th of May - where you can have a cup of tea or coffee on us. Whatever you spend and we pay for, we match with a donation to the local WRVS. 

All the team enjoy this work as the photos on our webpage show

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Countdown to the Launch of Your Club

We appreciate that choosing care in your own home or your relative’s home requires some thought and consideration. Alternatively, as the main carer, for a family member or friend, you might like some of the help and assistance to support you in undertaking your carer role.

We are here to help and are in the process of launching Your Club during Carers Week in June. Becoming a member will happen in one of three ways: 1) you are a Bluebird Care Tameside customer; 2) you are the carer of a customer; 3) you have contacted the Bluebird Care Tameside office and made an enquiry.
Being a member of Your Club will be free and will give you access to:
  • Workshops and seminars run by the Bluebird Care Team. Workshops and seminars are provided on a range of subjects from the practical such as moving and handling tips for moving someone from a wheelchair into a chair, to information about how to navigate information provided by the Care Quality Commission on quality care and standards.
  • Talks from visiting speakers from local organisations such as Age UK Tameside.
  • Our Signposting service for local organisations that provide information and support for Carers and people thinking about receiving care in their home.
  • Our YouTube site: Bluebirdcaretameside with a range of videos providing information from organisations such as Age UK, the Alzheimer Society and many others
  • Our  drop-in service on a Tuesday afternoon where you can me meet Ele, the Care Manager and me for a cup of tea and a chat.

Ele the Care Manager
I am very keen to get some feedback about what you think about Your Club… would you add anything else? Are there particular topics you would like to know about? Please get in touch via Facebook, Twitter or by ringing 0161 366 7465

For more detail about the services we provide please visit

Friday, 26 April 2013

Welcome to Bluebird Care Tameside

Welcome to the Bluebird Care Tameside Blog, a weekly Blog that keeps you up to date with our news and views.
The Bluebird Care Team provide a range of home care services to support people to remain independent in their own homes as well as providing support for their carers.
Prior to starting the business late last year, I had worked in the NHS since I was 16 initially training as a nurse and then venturing into senior management. Being a nurse at heart I never lost sight of wanting to make sure patients, and their families, always received what they needed when they needed it. 

Now I can do that for the people of Tameside.  We have a growing team of care workers of all ages, and from a range of backgrounds, all dedicated to ensuring that customers get the care and support they need, in their own home, when they need it. Each of our customers has a care plan that is specific to their needs and we match care workers to customers. The training of the care worker is also very specifically tailored to the customer and our customers have reported how much they enjoy being part of that training in their own home.

Some customers want a cup of tea and a chat, some want to know there is someone there whilst they get dressed in a morning and others want help with getting their meals or getting dressed. Whatever you want and need, we will work with you, and your family, to ensure you get this with someone you know and trust at the time you want it; day or night.